Licensed Therapist, Julie Levin Writes about Self-Compassion, Self-Care, and Feeling Good Enough.

Learn more about Self-Compassion, Self-Care, and Feeling Good Enough

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Reading about the healing process is therapeutic. One of the most powerful tools in my own healing was reading the monthly newsletters my own therapist sent out. In them, she described her own insights and revelations as life would throw it's inevitable curve balls, and she faced each one with kindness and tenderness toward herself. This modeling taught me how to be kind and tender toward myself too.

Since I love writing, I decided to create a website for my clients and anyone else on the journey of self-love and self-compassion. The site includes personal essays, for people who learn best through real life examples; poetry for those who find healing in metaphor; and self-help articles for anyone who just wants the nuts and bolts. I update the site regularly, and you can subscribe to get monthly updates with previews of new material.

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