picts Phone or online coaching for professionals and creatives in L.A., San Francisco, and throughout California by Julie Levin, MFT
Phone or online coaching for professionals and creatives in L.A., San Francisco, and throughout California
"Measuring yourself by anyone else's achievements is a violation of your own tender being. Each of us has different lessons we're learning, different learning styles, and different inner timetables for our own unfolding. Your way is always the best way for you." - Robyn Posin, Ph.D.

Client Centered Career Coaching and Mentoring

The coaching profession relies strongly on measurable goals. In itself, this is not a bad thing. It's a way to see progress and feel motivation. But, too often, goals and measures make us feel pressure, resentment, even resistance to doing the things we want to do. This can be intensified by coaches that adopt a "sergeant" persona and a bootcamp philosophy. Faster is not always better. And muscling through challenges can create blind spots to important information from your gut.

Client centered coaching starts with identifying your wishes and your whys. You might wish to make a career change for financial reasons. But we can go deeper and look at what you want to do with the money you hope to make. Are you looking for greater security, now or in retirement? Are you hoping for more adventure and travel? Do you want time with family or the ability to pay for your kids' college? Once we know why change is important for you, we will understand your intrinsic motivation for doing new things, even challenging things - without need for the drill sergeant.

I have helped lots of make changes so that earning a living feels easier and more rewarding. Clients in corporate settings often make changes to:
  • Work with supervisors and colleagues who value them highly
  • Find work more in alignment with their values and talents
  • Leave the corporate world behind, choosing to work in a small business or start a business of their own.

I also work with makers and creatives, writers, musicians, visual artists and filmmakers. Often this work involves:
  • Learning to trust their intuition
  • Letting go of the inner editor/censor/fixer and allowing work to emerge organically, knowing there will be time later for finessing and perfecting their art.
  • Developing business skills, finding mentors and helpers to get their work into the world.
  • Disconnecting their worth from their work to tolerate the fact that not everyone will resonate with their work.
I know from personal experience what it's like to shift careers midstream. I left the corporate/tech world to become a therapist when I was 40. I published my first books in my 50s and became a visual artist at almost 60. I used to believe that work had to be hard, and I had to put up with difficult people and unpleasant situations to earn a living. I was lucky to find a coach and mentor who helped me create a career I love, working with wonderful people, giving back to the world, making a decent living, and not killing myself with overwork. So I know it's possible for you too.

If work hasn't been working for you, I would love to talk and see if the client centered coaching process is right for you.